Google April Fools 2012

Here’s a compilation of Google’s April Fools Collections for 2012

8-Bit Google Map


Multitask Google Chrome Browser


Google Tap

YouTube on DVD


Google Fiber

How to change the iPhone backup location (Windows)

  1. Close iTunes
  2. Move the backup folder (residing at C:\Documents and Settings\<YOUR_USERNAME>\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup” to a place where you wish to sync your backup to (e.g. D:\iTunes_backup\Backup)
  3. Download (get it free from and extract junction.exe
  4. Open Command Prompt and type the following commands (assume you extract it to the desktop folder):
    cd Desktop
    junction “c:\Documents and Settings\<YOUR_USERNAME>\Application Data\MobileSync\Backup” D:\iTunes_backup\Backup
    (ensure that there’s no Backup folder in c:\Documents and Settings\<YOUR_USERNAME>\Application Data\MobileSync when you are typing the above command if not it will say that the path exists)

Basically the junction type creates something like a symbolic link (like in *nix operating systems)