Call Counter

There’s a new version to Call Counter (v2.0)

Major changes in the new version(v2.0):

    • No longer restricted to the 100 recent call history limitation
    • Simpler interface
    • Saving of all the settings
    • Fixed bugs with name not showing on the person filter
    • Exclusion period filter feature

      Just did up a Call Counter app.

      The idea is similar to SMS Counter except this counts the durations of incoming/outgoing calls. Take note that this app will show the duration with *each* call rounded up to the nearest minute.


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      175 thoughts on “Call Counter

      1. Great app!

        A few suggestions for improvement:

        1- Allow the option to not count the usage in the evening (i.e. free evening)

        2- Allow the option to NOT round up each call to the nearest minute

        3- Show the minutes for the CURRENT billing period (e.g. billing starts on the 14th of each month)

        The idea for all these suggestions is for the app to automatically show the usage of the current billing month.

        Thank you very much for this great app!

      2. Hi Paul

        About your 3rd point, it is already available. Try “touching” the icon beside the “From” text until it changes to a clock face (like what you see on top)

      3. Love the app, except the Call Count seems to be off. Some times the Call count goes up. Other times it goes down.

        Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

      4. Thanks for making this, I can’t believe there aren’t other apps like this out there.

        Does this application use the data saved by the iphone under the “recents” button? I am just playing around with it and it seems the data only goes as far back as my recents history. I think there is a patch out there that lets you increase your history entries… i’m going to give that a try.

        the other thing that would be very helpful would be some way to track minutes by time as well as days. like all outgoing calls between 8AM and 6PM between January 1st and January 30th on weekdays. that would let us make sure we dont go over our monthly weekday minute limits

      5. Hi David:

        yea there’s correct. The app is grabbing information from the recent call history. (So if you delete off the call history, the app will not be able to accurately keep track of the total call time)

        Thanks for your 2nd point. Will do something about it in the next release

      6. Thanks, I look forward to it!

        FYI I was unable to install the patch which increases your recents history limit beyond 100 entries (some sort of error). hopefully someone else who has managed to get this to work properly can tell you whether doing this lets your Call Counter program track more than the 100 most recent calls

      7. I have been attempting to get this to work on my 2g fw:2.2.1.
        When I tap on the app icon it looks like it’s opening just to spring back to the springboard.
        Is there any additional info that you can offer?
        I have already upgraded my fw and re-jailboke but still it won’t open.

      8. I posted on the SMS Counter 1.2 update about a problem I was having with people being listed twice – once under their name and again under their number (as if it is someone not added to your contact list) It only happens with one person with this app rather than just about everyone. Either way, both apps are very handy – thank you!

      9. For all those having the problem with duplicated listing:

        It will be very helpful if you could list out the number which is found in your phone number entry and the number is actually the person but shown as numbers instead of name.
        person : 12345 (don’t have to be the real number but an example)
        number : +112345


      10. Only thing that is amiss now is that it’s only one contact.

        Say Bob under my contact is (203)555 2121
        He’ll be listed again under 1 (203) 555 2121 when I scroll through the people.

      11. For some reason it will list each person twice. If I call out, it will list the person’s name, but if I receive a call from them, it will show up as their phone number. I tried modifying the telephone number in may ways but I still can’t get it to work.

      12. Hi, i have fixed the start of the billing period to the 18th each month. but now in march it just switched the starting date to the 18.03. but should stay at the 18.02. till the 18.03. is the current day, because now i got the start at 18.03. and the end at 08.03. which says (of cours) 0 minutes of calls. when i manually change the starting date to 18.02. everything works fine. but anyway maybe you could fix that issue 😉

      13. Hi Florie:

        I can’t really get the problem you are facing. Have u set the mode to be the one with a timer? (by touching the icon on the left of the start date)

        For mine, I now i set it as March 18 2009, close the app and restart, it will be reverted to Feb 18 2009

      14. Hello;

        How do you set the billing period in callCounter? If it starts for ex. Feb. 10, does it keep adding mintues till it comes to March 9th & then start @ 0 on March 10?

        Also, any idea on when the updated version which allows you to omit certain hours of the day will be ready? I would gladly pay for a feature like that!


      15. Hi Gino:

        I supposed you are referring to the period feature (clock icon).
        That will calculate the period from the closest from date until TODAY.
        The whole point of the period is that it lets you see how much time you have spend during that billing period.

        So if your billing period starts on 1st of each month, the app will start counting from 1st of that month.

        About the point on updated version, I can’t really promise that it will come soon. So kindda busy with some work. But will definitely work on it

      16. Hi

        Just adding a +1 for that hour-omission feature. This app is phenomenal (and the UI is gorgeous), and this feature would put it over the top. Up north, these plans are ridiculous and being able to track the minutes I pay extra for vs. the ones included in my plan, is a dream come true. Thx!

      17. Hi,
        this and also the smscounter are realy great and usefull, thanks!
        All we need now, would be a “datacounter” showing wifi, wap and data traffic to be in controll of all the expenses.

      18. App is really cool,just one question: why is it that the counter sets itself back to 0 when fully charged?can i do something about it? Thanks for the help!

      19. Kati => It’s using the current call history, and there’s a limitation in the recent call history entries (100 by default, unless you patch it or something)

      20. Perfect app simple clean useful.
        Well done and thanks for doing it .
        If it were possible to have a user edit callcharge table.
        Ie am / pm rate then a simple multiply calf to estimate cost
        That would be useful but only adding to an uncluttered app so maybe not ..?
        Thanks again

      21. Hi this is a great app! But do you think you could have the option to count it by the second? Because my billing charges are done per second so it would be helpful!

      22. oh..i assumed it could be done cos i saw it done in another cydia program i tried for a trial period…it was ilog i believe~

        but otherwise really a great app keep it up! =)

      23. hi.
        From where can i get this software.
        cell minutes tracker.
        please let me know.

      24. I reall need this call counter software for my iphone. kindly tell me from where i can download this software.
        please e-mail me the download link to


      25. You can download from the bigboss repository. (it should come by default on cydia) Try searching for it on the cydia app.

      26. Thanks for the information.
        I manage to download it. It is really useful for me.

      27. I had some problems using this app as i was closing in to the end of the month the enrties started to disappear (i use the phone a lot) so on the 23rd it was like i made no calls before 8th of the current month. This was due to the “100 limit”. I managed to modify the SQL so now it can store more than 100 but now there is no limit so i should clean up my recent list with SQLITE every few months. I also imported the missing week from the mobilelog’s database (which is seconds-based so i had to convert entries up to 60, 120, 180 etc.. and have different flags and id’s than the phone’s in the database) so now i have the full month perfectly visible in callcounter, and voila it was worth it because I’m already 33mins over my “allowed” 400 mins :S If you are interested how to remove the limit of the recents list on the newer firmwares (not 3.0 yet, and no pre-2.0 because the iclarified patch worked just before that..)

      28. Firstly, a huge thank you for this app. I really thought Apple was going to address its call log deficiencies with OS 3.0 but sadly they haven’t. Does anyone know why, incidentally?

        Secondly, I have another suggestion on how the app can be improved.

        – it would be good if we were able to select manually callers we did not want to be included in the final calculation. For example, an additional menu with all the calls made within the specified time frame from which you could select the ones you wanted to include/exclude. This would be helpful to exclude calls for which we’re not boilled such as free numbers, or international numbers which aren’t included in our minute allowances.

        – You mentioned before that the phone can only count calls rounded up to the minute, but the OS 3.0 recents list clearly gives call times which include seconds as well. So is it now possible to be more precise in the totals lists?

        Finally, it may be an OS 3.0-related issue, but the call counter makes mistakes. For example, it insists I made a call to a friend yesterday that I did not make and which is not in the iPhone recent list either. It says the call was for 2 minutes but in fact I only RECEIVED a call from this person and that lasted 45 seconds (according to the recents list and my own memory – it happened today so it’s not my brain losing track!). So a received call lasting 45 seconds has been transformed into an outbound call lasting precisely 2 minutes. Weird.

      29. PS. Sorry, in the third paragraph I meant BILLED, not BOILED!

        And regarding my last point, I’ve worked out what the problem is. The call it is counting as being 2 minutes was to my voicemail but call counter is attributing it to one of my contacts instead. The last four digits of that contact are the same four digits I call for voicemail. I think you can easily fix this little bug!!

        Thanks a lot again!

      30. I was happy that callcounter has rounded up times as well as the phone since my carrier bills the calls minute based so i pay 1min for 1sec :/ You say that OS3 has seconds based call log? 😦 I need minute based counting :S

      31. You can download from the bigboss repository. Try searching for it on the cydia app.

      32. Hi, I’m also curious how the progress of this app is coming along (unless i’ve missed something but it still says version 1.0 in Cydia). Thanks!

      33. Hi,

        thanks for such a good application. is there any way so that these call history can be saved some where inside the iphone and then retrive call duriation from that . because my call log will reach 100 entries within 4 or 5 days itself.

        With Regards

      34. Could you please tell me how to modify the SQL so it can store more than 100 also no limit so. I read this Comment by Firsh — June 24, 2009. He says that end of the month we will get right call timings.
        My problem is on 22nd of this month out going call showing 23 minutes and later on 24th it was showing 20 minutes. I am wondering rather then increasing how come it decreased?

        Waiting for reply.

      35. I’m working on the new version. There wouldn’t be a 100 calls limit anymore. It should be ready latest in a few weeks time. 🙂

      36. Thanks for your quick reply. I think it will very help full to to us.

        Kindly inform us when that is ready for download.

        Thanks once again.


      37. Hey, I can’t seem to find this app at the app store…Am I looking at the wrong place?

      38. I’ve just made a call to someone in my address book which lasted 1 hour and 1 minute but Call Counter isn’t registering it. It shows in the call history. Is there any explanation for this?

      39. Thank for this app.

        I am on a 450 min plan. I want to be able to track my minutes during the day, only when I am using up the 450 minutes. I would also like to be able to receive an alert telling me that I only have x amount of minutes left. I don’t want to click on the apps or open it. I want the alert to pop up on the screen or display on the sleep screen.

      40. Gaia, that is not possible, since the program counts the local data. If you wanna see how many minutes are left ,you have to check with your provider. Because you may have used all you minutes calling or have something left over, this app can’t know that.

      41. Hi xh,
        As it as already been said, thx alot for the you are helping a lot of people around here!

        Tip for your next version
        If possible could you make the app soo that ‘unknown caller’ call would alose get counted because right now it dosent…

        Thx a lot

      42. Dear Sir,

        Is new version is ready?. We are waiting very eagerly.

        I’m working on the new version. There wouldn’t be a 100 calls limit anymore. It should be ready latest in a few weeks time.

        Comment by xh — July 24, 2009 #

      43. Dear Sir,
        Thanks for information of Call counter 3. Unfortunately call counter 3 is not installing, it says some eliments are misssing.
        Could you please look in to this.


      44. hey thank god someone finally wrote an app like this. i agree with all the suggestions paul made.


      45. Hi there, first tnx for the app, its really good…
        I have a question regarding, I just noticed that there are some calles that were not answered (not in person nor answering machine) and there are recorded on the call log as 1 minute calls,
        can I assume its a bug or my mobile provider is billing me for it?

      46. Hi Marcelo

        I don’t think it’s a bug. Cos Call Counter actually grab information from the recent call history (assume that you are using version 1.0). So on your recently call history, it’s most likely recorded as 1 min

      47. Very good App!

        I would love an option to round up the minutest to the next HIGHER minute.
        Example 1:23 –> 2min

        My Provider charges 60/60


      48. Hi,

        i’ve purchased this app yesterday and it seems that minutes are missing in the counting.

        there are days that the app sayhs there were no minutes sent!!

        how that can be???

        waiting for your answer shortly!

      49. Hi Ron

        May I know what you meant by minutes are missing? Did you managed to see the call details? (you can touch the Call Duration, it will bring up the detailed view of all the calls)

        Is the detail view empty?

      50. Hy xh,
        Call Counter is an excellent application and to update to version 2.2-2 everything worked as it should after the update Callcoters stopped counting minutes and still shows the minutes for update. Where could be the problem? I have a 2G iphone software 3.0.1. Thank you very much.

      51. Hi xh, reboot after the update did not help, uninstall Call Counter help and delete all the remaining ingredients through WinSCP. Follows the installation of the deb file. Thank you very much that this application is great. Would not be added to the application to delete calls and time associated with the selected call. Thanks for your advice and response.

      52. Yes everything works for clarification was necessary to delete the folder var / mobile / CallStats left on the system after uninstalling CallCounter

      53. Hi,

        What about the iOS 4.0? Does it work? I have 3GS, but have not yet upgraded from 3.1.2.


      54. I heard it didn’t work on iOS 4.0. Maybe you would want to hold for a while. But I’m definitely working to make it compatible with iOS4

      55. it’s not on appstore. You need to jailbreak your phone and search for the app on cydia

      56. i need an app asap that can keep my call log for the last week and unfortunatley i cant jailbreak my phone that soon, dya knw any other app or way i could keep a log of these calls?

      57. Hi

        any dateline or estimate time for call counter for 4.0 iOS?

        i like this app but i can only use it for 3.x FW

        if it doesnt work for 4.0
        i would have to wait for the new version

      58. Thanks for this great app! Just please make it work on IOS4…. !!
        Sms counter count messages, but can’t open the program…

      59. Hi,

        I had recently bought iPhone 4 but unable to search for call counter and sms counter after when I came to this site. Does my phone need to be jailbreak first? Thanks

      60. i just made a mistake when buying your call counter app, instead of typing the serial displayed by the app i typed my “lsusb -b grep iSerial” serial (i tought i was being smart :)).
        so now i can’t get a licence is there a way to revert this ?because i definitely dont want to buy that app twice.
        and thx for this helpful program.

      61. I haven’t touch it out on iOS4.2.1 but I think it should be compatible. You can download it from cydia

      62. Hi Thanks for your reply. I have JB the IOS4.2.1 via redsn0w0.9.6b4. I have successfully installed the Call counter 3.
        But the applications shows only for the last 7 days of call information. (ie from 1 Dec to 8 Dec 2010 ie today). Even when I change the From filter date the data didn’t change it shows the same information.
        Can you please let me know how to over come this issue. so that i can buy this app.
        Advance Thanks for your reply

      63. @rama the app can only keep track of the calls after you install the app (and when it’s first install – what’s on your recent call history)

      64. Hi, Great app,
        Is it possible to backup all the data (calls) so that after doing a fresh upgrade to a new IOS or just reloading my Iphone I can have the call count show the correct data for the month

        Also need to do this for SMS conter if possible



      65. Hi Julian

        You can backup manually by copying the files and place it on your newly upgraded new iOS

        Call Counter case

        SMS Counter case

      66. Hi I am a happy customer of Call counter. But I have a query regarding the info shown @ icon. I have filtered only the outgoing call. @ the icon it shows 407, but when I open the CallCounter the outgoing is only 235, where as the total of incoming and outgoing is 407. Is it designed this way or it should show only the filtered value. Thanks for your time

      67. @Rama The badge is based on the settings set in the preferences in the app. (not the first screen)

      68. Hi

        How to purchase this app as it not avialable in Apple’s apps store.

        And can data be split into National and International.


      69. hi
        i am currently in singapore. And i am new to iphone. i am using iphone 4. i want to use call counter, which i cant able to see in App stores. And i dont know what is jail broken? Please help me to install this App which is very useful for me


      70. @kumar
        You need to jailbreak your device in order to install the app. It’s a process the “unlocks” the full functionality of your device.

      71. Hi
        I am planning to go for JB unteethered. So I need to roll back to org 4.2.1 and JB once again. But I would like to take a copy of the call counter files before I do this.
        You have adviced to manually backup by copying the files and place it on your newly upgraded new iOS
        How to manually copy the files? which tool to use to copy these files. Thanks for your help

      72. @Rama

        You can try to copy out this 2 files




        and later copy over to your new device

      73. Hi
        I did a JB unteethered with Green P0ison and copied the below files using iphone explorer into its appropriate folders from my earlier backup
        After copying this files, by Call counter is not showing any new outgoing / incoming call details. All the details which it shows were old before the reinstallation / setup.
        How to over come this issue now. Thank for your help.

      74. @Rama

        Make sure you change the permission to 755 (chmod 755)
        or basically execute and read permission

      75. Hi
        I have downloaded MobileTerminal and tried to reach the directory mobile, but it say directory doesn’t exists. But thru iphone explorer i can able to see that directory. Please help me how to change the permission. Because now the CallCounter is showing only the old values.

      76. Hi. I love the app. I bought the 3-app-pack last year and I’m planning to buy it for my family members as well.
        One big limitation that I see is that when you select someone from your contacts to be in the exclusion list all the numbers stored under that name are automatically excluded. I would like to choose which numbers from a particular contact will be excluded (ie. just the “mobile” phone and not the “work” or “home” phone). I know i can add an individual number in the exclusion list, but that would be hard to track as I have this situation in dozens of contacts.

        Thanks for the good work. Those apps are really one-of-a-kind and really close to perfection.

      77. @idlewild

        Thanks for the feedback. I will try to separate the numbers in the future updates

      78. Hi
        I am using the trial version for testing what the exact app i need about call tracker. I can say it is a great app for call tracker. But only one limitation for me is when you select Exclusions menu then you will see the Excluded Periods and Excluded Numbers in separate list. I would like to choose some excluded periods combine with some excluded numbers. It would be hard to change them every time for tracking some periods and numbers at the same time.

      79. Thank you for your quick reply. The most important thing is about your concerns to any feedbacks then i will proceed to buy your app right now and waiting to the next updates.


      80. Hi
        I bought Call Counter for a while. When i login to Manage Account in Cydia and go to Installable Purchases to see what packages did i purchase. Why Call Counter doesn’t show in the purchased list?


      81. Haven’t had a chance to test of 4.3.1. I can’t confirm yet. Would let u know once I check it out

      82. I am having problems with the billing date on 4.3.1. Although I set the date I want it will always revert to the first.

      83. This is a really great, useful app.

        However, don’t quite know why it doesn’t capture accurately my call usage time for a particular period.

        For a specified period of one month (16 mar-15apr),
        My bill stated 405min (which is accurate after summing up all outgoing call time), however the Call Counter app only showed 281min..

        Is there any particular reason for this?
        Could it be that: The history is limited, thus it only goes as far back as a month from today?

        Appreciate if you could shed some light on this..wanna make this app work for me

      84. @Lc

        the app can only keep track accurately from the point you install the app, so let say you install the app on 1st apr, it might not have data prior to 1st apr and thus can’t know the exact call duration from 16mar to 31 mar.

      85. What if you could select some “free numbers”, so that the app will not count the time for those numbers.

        Is it possible?

      86. @Carlos

        yes you add “excluded numbers” so they won’t be considered during the counting of the call duration

      87. thanks for the reply
        I’ll wait out for another month to see if the problem still persists

      88. That is great.

        I also have a question about DATA TRANSFER app, it is for the Internet data transfer right?

        Can you have separate counters, one for the free wi-fi connection and the other for the paid phone service?

        Thank you

      89. Hi xh,

        Can you make an estimative of when those suggestions (comment #654) could be implemented? I’ve made those same suggestions back in Nov 2009 and there has been a few updates since then.


      90. @idlewild

        In the next update, you will be able to get that (already done actually). However, I will be travelling this period so will not be releasing the update in case there’s some problem, I won’t be around to rectify it. I apologize for the delay.

      91. Thanks xh!

        That’s very good news! I’ll be looking forward for the next update.


      92. May i get a license again? I have claimed my old iphone with Call Counter license to the new iphone. What things do you need for my approval about to get a license again?

        Best regards,

      93. Please send me your old and new iPhone serial number on my email (xh [@] blackfacility [dot] com)

      94. Hi xh! Congratulations for this great app!

        Just wondering if there be a possibility in the future to backup all data that the application keep and restore them, in case that we need restore the firmware.

      95. Hi,
        I’ve just come across your app and its working great.
        What I’m missing is the possibility to exclude weekends (sat+sun)
        because my contract gives me free weekend calls.
        If you could add that feature, it’ll be the perfect app 🙂

      96. I do apologize, I didn’t see the setting under “excluded period”.
        You may delete this post and the last 🙂
        i shall buy the license right away.

      97. Hi xh,
        When i did excluded the same number with others excluded periods, Call Counter app cannot filter them at all.
        Exp. Exclusions > Excluded Numbers > 0123456789 (I use this number with others period.)
        0123456789 with Mon 2201 hrs – Tue 1759 hrs
        0123456789 with Tue 2201 hrs – Wed 1759 hrs
        0123456789 with Wed 2201 hrs – Thur 1759 hrs
        0123456789 with Thur 2201 hrs – Fri 1759 hrs
        0123456789 with Fri 2201 hrs – Sat 1759 hrs
        0123456789 with Sat 2201 hrs – Sun 1759 hrs
        0123456789 with Sun 2201 hrs – Mon 1759 hrs

        The app cannot filter them, What should i do it? I would like to excluded this number in those periods.

        Thank you

      98. @artsk update the app to the latest version, check the records screen (the screen when you tap on the “Total duration …. ??” , make sure the number – 0123456789 is exactly the same as what you see for a record with that number

      99. @xh My mention above is still be my problem. I checked everything what you said but i’m still having the same problem. Well, I have a new issue after added your repo and updated latest Call Counter 3, ,Cydia is keeping alert every time for Call Counter 3 when I check the update in Cydia.

      100. @artsk Some have feedback that there’s such a problem. I’m still not quite sure why it’s the case. but you can try uninstall and install the app again.

      101. hi xh,
        fantastic app! 😉
        but I have a problem. my iphone keeps going to safe mode when I shoose to buy the app. i have the trail version and can not buy the app….
        I have an iphone 3g, and already uninstalled the mobile substrate apps, but still keeps crashing when I choose to buy the app.
        Is there other way to buy the app? help me please. thanks in advance!

      102. Hi xh

        I dont know how to set the billing plan. My telco is charging on 30 second block. Please advice. TQ

      103. Hello Lek:

        I am writing to you in reference to a couple of questions about the call counter application. I have an Iphone 3GS Version 4.3.3 (8J2). About three months ago, I downloaded “Call Counter” from Cydia and it was working fine, until suddenly about fifteen days ago, it stopped working. So, I went ahead and downloaded the updated version from Cydia and accessed the application. When accessing the application, a window popped-up asking me to select either a fully functional app for 10 days or to buy it directly from the webpage. I went ahead and bought it via paypal and everytime I access the app. the windows pops up and cannot access the application. This happens all the time now.

        I will appreciate if you let me know step by step how to make the application work, especially after having paid for it. Thank you for your collaboration !!

        Alvaro Escalante

      104. hi Alvaro Escalante

        Try tapping on the “Try Now/Get License”. It should retrieve the license

      105. Hi Lek:

        Everytime I tap on the “Try Now /Get License”, the screen blanks out for a second and the window pop-up comes back again asking for the same thing. Why is this happening?

      106. Try delete away the 2 files


        and run the app again.

      107. Hi Lek:

        Could you please, walk me through this step by step because I have no idea on how to delete specific files from the iphone. However, I did uninstall Call Counter and installed it back again and had the same problem. Thank you for your assistance !

      108. Hi Lek:

        I followed the instructions on the source that you gave me an still have the same problem. I even installed thee SMS counter which I did not have before, and when I press the icon, it doesn´t do anything.

        By the way, there is something I do not understand, in your instructions you mention on #3.”search for SMS/ Call Counter Fixes”, where do you exactly search for these fixes? and on #4 you say “Install the app” then on #5 ” Uninstall the app, and then exit cydia and start the applications. How can you start the application when in your last instruction you instructed to uninstall it. I look forward to your explanation. !!

      109. Hi Lek:

        I followed your instructions step by step and unfortunately, I keep on getting the same window with the two options, “buy the app” or “try and get license”. When I click on get license, it doesn´t do anything. I also downloaded the source you said on Cydia. I will appreciate your full support in order to fix whatever is not working. By the way, I tried downloading the older version on Cydia and it worked fine but for some strange reason this onedow not work !!

      110. So when you tap on Try Now / Get License

        it keep showing back the same alert box (with the same message)?

      111. Hi xh

        I have found the issue about Excluded Numbers on the latest version. See my old post on 29 August 2011.

        When i added the excluded phone number in one excluded period, the program is correct.

        When i added the same excluded phone number in many excluded periods, the app had a bug that is excluded only the first period and others didn’t.

        About app’s information
        Call Counter 3 version 2.3-16
        *The records screen is exactly the same as the number that i added in the app.
        *Before i posted, i tried to clear database two days ago so the records is so fresh.

        Add excluded number 0123456789 with excluded period on Mon 2201 hrs – Tue 1759 hrs (the app works correct)

        Add excluded number 0123456789 with excluded period on Tue 2201 hrs – Wed 1759 hrs (the app doesn’t work, the records still show this number on this period.)

        Add excluded number 0123456789 with excluded period on Wed 2201 hrs – Thur 1759 hrs (the app doesn’t work, the records still show this number on this period.)

        I need your help.


      112. @Rama

        It should be compatible with iPhone4S however, there’s no jailbreak methods for iPhone4S yet

      113. hi,
        I am looking for a CALL COUNTER apps which show me the outgoing NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL CALLS separately . basic idea is my network provider give me 200 national minutes & 100 international minutes . so I want to have a track of calls
        thax in adv

      114. @UMESH you can play around with exclusion number (it allows you to enter wildcard using the ‘*’ symbol)

        At the moment, you have to add/remove the exclusion yourself. You should be able to configure profiles next time.

      115. Hi

        Try delete away

        the folder and its content

        and reinstall the app again.

        Make sure you reboot your device after installation.

      116. Hi,

        Can’t get it to work, reinstalled a few times and rebooted each time after that. Still opens and the closes immediately after..

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